Compare with Our HGM90 and HGM100 Powder Grinding Mill

As most our customers known, that both HGM90 and HGM100 are the powder grinding mill made by Shanghai Clirik. Because of our grinding machine have high efficiency and high fineness characteristics, so they are named HGM. Compare with our HGM90 and HGM100 powder grinding mill, what difference they have? I would show you later.


Because of the ring diameter is 900mm. So that, this machine is called HGM90. In common, HGM90 powder grinding mill have 3-4 grinding ring, in one machine. And most important of HGM90 is. Capacity of one HGM90 powder grinding mill could be adjusted 0.6-6.5 t/h.

powder grinding mill

Same as HGM90, because of the ring diameter is 1000mm, so that the HGM100 powder grinding mill is bigger than HGM90. And HGM100 powder grinding mill is most hot sale grinding mill in our factory. There is 4 grinding ring in HGM100 powder grinding mill. And the capacity of HGM100 powder grinding mill can be adjusted between 1 t/h to 9 t/h.


No matter HGM90 of HGM100 powder grinding mill, both of them have high efficiency and capacity. If you want to know more details about our powder grinding mill, you can leave your message on our website. We can supply for you at a cheaper price.


